• 60 reviews
Degreed Extension
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Degreed Extension
Degreed Extension
Degreed Extension
Degreed Extension

Enhance Your Learning Experience with the Degreed Button Chrome Extension

Track, Share, and Save Learning Content with Ease

Discover a seamless way to bring learning into your everyday workflow with the Degreed button Chrome extension. With a total rating of 3.95 based on user reviews, this powerful extension allows you to effortlessly track your learning, share valuable content, save articles for later, add to pathways, search for new learning resources, and much more.

Track Your Learning Effortlessly

With the Degreed button, you can track your learning progress directly from any website without ever leaving the page you're on. Whether you're reading an insightful article or watching an educational video, simply click the Degreed button to record and save your learning session. You can even add comments to capture your thoughts and insights.

Share Inspiring Content with Others

If you come across a piece of content that you love and want to share with others, the Degreed button makes it easy. Whether it's a thought-provoking article, a helpful video, or a valuable resource, you can recommend it to your friends, colleagues, or even specific groups. Spread knowledge and spark meaningful discussions with just a few clicks.

Save and Organize Content for Later

We all come across articles or resources that we want to explore later. With the Degreed button, you can save such content with ease. If you find an article that piques your interest but don't have time to read it immediately, simply save it for later. Degreed will even recommend it to you in your feed, ensuring that you never miss out on valuable learning opportunities.

Create Personalized Pathways and Plans

Building a personalized learning pathway or plan in Degreed has never been easier. The Degreed button allows you to add content directly to your pathways or plans, helping you stay organized and focused on your learning goals. Say goodbye to manual data entry - the extension automatically scrapes the title, description, and image of the content, saving you time and effort.

Discover New Learning Resources

Expand your knowledge and explore new learning resources with the Degreed button. Whether you're looking for articles, videos, books, or courses, you can easily search within Degreed to find relevant learning items. Additionally, you can discover new people to follow and see what they're reading, making it a great platform for networking and learning from others.

Stay Connected with Notifications

Never miss an important update or recommendation with the Degreed button's notification feature. You can stay connected to your Degreed account even while browsing other websites. Receive notifications when someone recommends an item or when there are updates related to your learning activities, all without leaving the page you're on.

Experience the power of the Degreed button Chrome extension today and revolutionize your learning journey. Start tracking, sharing, and managing your learning content like never before. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, this extension is a must-have for anyone passionate about continuous learning and personal development.

Track your learning from any website without leaving the page.

Share content with others and recommend it to friends.

Save articles for later and receive recommendations in your feed.

Easily add content to Pathways or plans in Degreed.

Limited to the functionalities provided by Degreed.

May require additional permissions to add to the catalog.

60 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Brendan Ford

Doesn't seem to do anything at first, but once installed, login to degreed.com and you will be prompted to get it set up. It would be nice if there was some sort of message that popped up explaining this rather than just doing nothing until setup. I was very close to uninstalling this extension, but glad I experimented with it a bit and found out how to activate it. It looks like it will be very useful.

Artjom Filatov

Not working. completely useless

Gonçalo Almeida

When you click on the icon, doesn't seem to do anything at first, but once installed, you need to login to degreed.com and you will be prompted to get it set up. This is not straightforward.

Eric Schultz

Doesn't work, won't connect, no contact info! Probably malware!!!

Ahmed Ahmed

the extention is not working for MS Edge while it should be a chromium based browser, hope the developpers will look into the above feedback.

Michael E (Mike) White

Extension won't launch. Can't contact developer. No way to get support.

Dana Ciocan

The extension keeps asking me to log in and then won't actually let me log in using SSO so it's unusable

Jess K

Keep being asked to login (even if done through SSO). Keep getting "error_invalid request"

Venessa Oviasu

Makes it super easy to log my learning.


When it works, it's great. But sometimes it forces the 'type' to be an article, when it's a course and doesn't let me change it. Why not let me decide what it is? I am looking at it with human eyes, I think I would know better. :(

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